EWB’s mission is to utilize our engineering prowise to improve the quality of life communities at home and abroad. We are always looking for new members with skills to help us in our mission. For more information see the links below. 

Fall Term General Body Meetings

When: Tuesdays (all weeks)  

8:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Where: Lindy Center for Civic Engagement, 3210 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

If you’re not sure where we meet or have any concerns or questions, please feel free to email Har Patel our Tech Lead at

For more information about EWB, please visit the 

Engineers Without Borders Homepage.

  • Ethics that require the highest level of integrity; ethics that promote honesty, communication, and forthright disclosure; ethics that promote human dignity, value, and respect of diversity; ethics that promote social responsibility and appropriate action; ethics that promote fairness and equitable distribution of time, effort, and resources; ethics that promote responsibility to share skills and resources; and ethics that recognize that people should not be exploited in any form whatsoever.
  • Education that develops a new generation of engineers, who will benefit from seeing the many facets of engineering solutions to problems in developing communities, beyond the technical skills obtained in their basic education; and in the education of host-community partners.​

San Luis de Yacupungo



Upcoming EventS

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  • Change that can contribute positively to communities; change that, started now, will provide new solutions over time; and change that can interrupt the cycle of poverty.

  • People in host communities who define the development projects and contribute to insuring ownership, appropriateness, and long-term effectiveness; people who can solve their own problems.
  • Partnerships with a broad cadre of institutional, academic, development, and engineering organizations that are willing to assist in building toward a more equitable and sustainable world.
  • Sustainable projects that are symbiotic with the environment, society, and culture and build capacity for people to solve their own problems.

Reach Out

Work with members in your community and make a difference

​​Check Us Out On YouTube 




OUR Projects

Our Outreach team in Miramar needs your help immediately. Basic medical supplies, food, and water-purification equipment are in high demand. Make your contribution now.

Join Us

EWB’s main objective is to work with disadvantaged communities worldwide to improve their quality of life. The central tenet of the organization is “to build a better world, one community at a time.”


Our Mission


San Luis De Yacupungo